CAREER Award | January 2022
Truly honored and thrilled to receive the NSF CAREER Award! Looking forward to working on this exciting project with my group to advance global climate-sensitive urban science and engineering! Huge thanks to NSF-CBET and my group! Check out our Department news.
New Members | August 2021
A new young talent has joined us! Welcome Yifan! Looking forward to working with you!
New Paper | June 2021
Very excited to share our new paper “Large model structural uncertainty in global projections of urban heat waves” published in Nature Communications, led by my student Zhonghua Zheng! Multi-model ensembles are critical to project future urban heat waves. Check out our University news here.
New Paper | January 2021
Excited to see our paper “Global multi-model projections of local urban climates” is out in Nature Climate Change today! Our new machine learning- & process- based urban climate modeling technique provides the global multi-model urban projections. Check out our university news.
Our Whole Group in AGU | December 2020
All students from Zhao Research Group are presenting their research in AGU Fall Meeting 2020 (virtually) in various sessions from urban to hydrology, from Earth system modeling to AI in Earth science. Please stop by our presentations!
New Article | June 2020
Our new paper is out in JPRS: Large-scale point cloud contour extraction via 3D guided multi-conditional generative adversarial network.
Cathy Wins YEE Fellowship | April 2020
Congratulations to my 1st-year Ph.D. student Cathy Li who just won the prestigious YEE Fellowship Award!
Zhonghua Presents at AGU Fall Meeting | December 2019
My Ph.D. student Zhonghua Zheng presents his work on urban heatwaves at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019 at San Francisco! Please stop by our urban session: Urban Areas and Global Change!
New Members | August 2019
A group of talented people joined us! Welcome Bowen, Cathy, Joyce, Laura, and Yiwen! Looking forward to working with you!
New Article | March 15th, 2019
Check out our new paper: Toward building a transparent statistical model for improving crop yield prediction: Modeling rainfed corn in the U.S.
New Article | November 12th, 2018
Dr. Zhao’s News & Views article on urban growth and climate adaptation is published on Nature Climate Change.
New Member | November 6th, 2018
Zhonghua Zheng has joined our group as a Ph.D. student co-advised by Dr. Nicole Riemer in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. Welcome on board, Zhonghua!
Joining our group | October 18th, 2018
Dr. Zhao’s lab is actively looking for highly motivated graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to join the group. Please contact me for questions about potential projects or about the application process at our department. Please see Opportunities for more information.
New Member | October 16th, 2018
Dr. Lei Zhao joins the faculty of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.