- Z. Zheng, L. Zhao, & K.W. Oleson (2021) Large model structural uncertainty in global projections of urban heat waves. Nature Communications 12, 3736, DOI:
- W. Zhou, K. Guan, B. Peng, Z. Wang, R. Fu, B. Li, E. A. Ainsworth, E. DeLucia, L. Zhao, Z. Chen (2021) A generic risk assessment framework to evaluate historical and future climate-induced risk for rainfed corn and soybean yield in the US Midwest. Weather and Climate Extremes 100369. DOI:
- T. Xu, K. Guan, B. Peng, S. Wei and L. Zhao (2021) Machine Learning-Based Modeling of Spatio-Temporally Varying Responses of Rainfed Corn Yield to Climate, Soil, and Management in the U.S. Corn Belt. Front. Artif. Intell. 4:647999.
- E.S. Krayenhoff, A.M. Broadbent, L. Zhao, M. Georgescu, A. Middel, J.A. Voogt, A. Martilli, D.J. Sailor, E. Erell (2021) Cooling hot cities: A systematic and critical review of the numerical modelling literature. Environmental Research Letters 16 053007
- L. Zhao, K. Oleson, E. Bou-Zeid, E.S. Krayenhoff, A. Bray, Q. Zhu, Z. Zheng, C. Chen, M. Oppenheimer (2021) Global multi-model projections of local urban climates. Nature Climate Change DOI:
- Cover Paper of Nature Climate Change Feb 2021 Issue
- Z. Zheng, J. Curtis, Y. Yao, J. Gasparik, V. Anantharaj, L. Zhao, M. West, N. Riemer (2021) Estimating Submicron Aerosol Mixing State at the Global Scale with Machine Learning and Earth System Modeling. Earth and Space Science 8 (2), e2020EA001500
- K. Yuan, Q. Zhu, S. Zheng, L. Zhao, M. Chen, W.J. Riley, X. Cai, H. Ma, F. Li, H. Wu, L. Chen (2021) Deforestation reshapes land-surface energy-flux partitioning. Environmental Research Letters 16 (2), 024014
- W. Zhang, L. Chen, Z. Xiong, Y. Zang, J. Li, L. Zhao (2020) Large-Scale Point Cloud Contour Extraction via 3D Guided Multi-conditional Generative Adversarial Network. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 164, 97-105.
- Y. Li, K. Guan, A. Yu, B. Peng, L. Zhao, B. Li, J. Peng (2019) Toward building a transparent statistical model for improving crop yield prediction: Modeling rainfed corn in the U.S. Field Crops Research 234: 55-65.
- B.Y. Liu, Q. Zhu, W.J. Riley, L. Zhao, H. Ma, M.V. Gordon, L. Larsen (2019) Using Information Theory to Evaluate Directional Precipitation Interactions Over The West Sahel Region In Observations and Models. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere 124 (3): 1463-1473.
- L. Zhao (2018) Urban growth and climate adaptation. Nature Climate Change 8 (12), 1034.
- W. Wang, X. Lee, W. Xiao, S. Liu, M. Zhang, Y. Wang, N. Schultz, L. Zhao (2018) Global lake evaporation accelerated by changes in surface energy allocation in a warmer climate. Nature Geoscience 11: 410-414.
- E. S. Krayenhoff, A. M. Broadbent, E. Erell, L. Zhao, M. Georgescu, A. Martilli, A. Middel, D. Sailor, J. A. Voogt (2018) Urban cooling from heat mitigation strategies: A systematic review of the numerical modeling literature. Environmental Research Letters (invited submission).
- L. Zhao, M. Oppenheimer, Q. Zhu, J. Baldwin, K. Ebi, E. Bou-Zeid, K. Guan, X. Liu (2017) Interactions between urban heat islands and heat waves. Environmental Research Letters 13 034003.
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- L. Zhao, X. Lee, N.M. Schultz (2017) A wedge strategy for mitigation of urban warming in future climate scenarios. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (14), 9067-9080.
- C. Cao, X. Lee, S. Liu, N.M. Schultz, W. Xiao, M. Zhang, L. Zhao (2016) Urban heat islands in China enhanced by haze pollution. Nature Communications DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12509.
- N.M. Schultz, X. Lee, P.J. Lawrence, D.M. Lawrence, L. Zhao (2016) Assessing the use of sub-grid land model output to study impacts of land cover change. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 121: 6133-6147.
- L. Zhao, X. Lee, A.E. Suyker, X. Wen (2016) Influence of leaf area index on the radiometric resistance to heat transfer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology158 (1), 105-123.
- L. Zhao, X. Lee, R.B. Smith, K. Oleson (2014) Strong contributions of local background climate to urban heat islands. Nature 511: 216-219.
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- L. Zhao, X. Lee, S. Liu (2013) Correcting surface solar radiation of two data assimilation systems against FLUXNET observations in North America. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 118: 9552-9564.
- X. Lee, M.L. Goulden, D.Y. Hollinger, A. Barr, T.A. Black, G. Bohrer, R. Bracho, B. Drake, A. Goldstein, L. Gu, G. Katul, T. Kolb, B. Law, H. Margolis, T. Meyers, R. Monson, W. Munger, R. Oren, K.T. Paw U, A.D. Richardson, H.P. Schmid, R. Staebler, S. Wofsy, L. Zhao (2011) Observed increase in local cooling effect of deforestation at higher latitudes. Nature 479: 384-387.
- L. Zhao, M. Oppenheimer, Q. Zhu, J. Baldwin, K. Ebi, E. Bou-Zeid, K. Guan, X. Liu (2017) Interactions between urban heat islands and heat waves. AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA, December 2017 (O)
- L. Zhao, M. Oppenheimer, Q. Zhu, J. Baldwin (2017) Interactions between urban heat island and heatwave events. 16th Annual Meeting of the Carbon Mitigation Initiative, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, April 2017 (P)
- L. Zhao, X. Lee, N.M. Schultz (2016) A wedge strategy for mitigation of urban warming in future climate scenarios. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, December 2016 (O)
- L. Zhao, X. Lee, N.M. Schultz, M. Oppenheimer (2016) Cool roofs are an effective strategy for adaptation to urban climate change on a large scale. 3rd Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Project, Beijing, China, October 2016 (O)
- L. Zhao, X. Lee, N.M. Schultz (2016) A wedge strategy for mitigation of urban warming in future climate scenarios. 21st Annual CESM Workshop, Breckenridge, CO, June 2016 (O)
- L. Zhao, X. Lee, N.M. Schultz, M. Oppenheimer (2016) Cool roofs are an effective strategy for adaptation to urban climate change on a large scale. Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment Building Opening Symposium, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, May 2016 (P)
- L. Zhao, X. Lee, K. Oleson, N.M. Schultz, R.B. Smith (2015) Mitigating the urban heat island under climate change through urban management. AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA, December 2015 (P)
- W. Wang, L. Zhao, Z. Subin, X. Lee (2015) An Energy Partitioning Perspective on Lake Evaporation Variations to Climate Change. AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA, December 2015 (P)
- X. Lee, N.M. Schultz, L. Zhao, W. Wang, P.J. Lawrence, K. Oleson, C. Cao (2015) Land-atmosphere interactions at the subgrid scale in a climate model. AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA, December 2015 (O)
- N.M. Schultz, X. Lee, P.J. Lawrence, D.M. Lawrence, L. Zhao (2015) Improvements towards using subgrid CLM output to study land-atmosphere interactions. AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA, December 2015 (P)
- C. Cao, X. Lee, S. Liu, K. Oleson, N.M. Schultz, W. Xiao, M. Zhang, L. Zhao (2015) Urban heat islands in China enhanced by haze pollution. AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA, December 2015 (P)
- X. Lee, L. Zhao, R.B. Smith, K. Oleson (2014) Attribution of UHI Intensity for Cities in North America. AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, December 2014 (O)
- L. Zhao, X. Lee, R.B. Smith, K. Oleson (2013) Contributions of Local Background Climate to Urban Heat Islands. AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA, December 2013 (O)
- L. Zhao and X. Lee (2012) Correcting Surface Solar Radiation Modeled by two Data Assimilation Systems for Micrometeorological Research. AMS Conference on Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, Boston, MA, May 2012 (P)
- B. Deng, X. Lee, W. Xiao, S. Liu, L. Zhao, J. Jin (2011) Offline test of the CLM-VRLS lake model at Lake Taihu. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA, December 2011 (P)